We exercise due care and diligence at the time of selection of reinsurers and international insurance brokers having regard to their respective security rating and establishing respective responsibilities at the time of engaging their services;

Render preliminary loss advice (PLA) within a reasonable time;

Study and analyze the various markets and Products across the globe;

Creation of market capacity and facility for new, stressed, emerging, and existing business and asset class for and from both direct insurers and reinsurers.

LMB is expanding its presence in the treaty and facultative reinsurance markets, with an emphasis on increasing market capacity. Our Reinsurance Broking team conducts due diligence in the selection of reinsurers and international insurance brokers, taking into account their respective financial ratings. Clear lines of responsibility are established to ensure a seamless engagement of services. We leverage technical expertise in insurance and emerging technologies to design optimal reinsurance programs. A thorough understanding of our clients’ business plans, financial projections, and risk tolerance goals is used to create customized solution

 The process of identifying appropriate reinsurers includes an assessment of counterparty risk and an analysis of historical claim performance. Once identified, terms and conditions are negotiated to secure favorable coverage for our clients. Ongoing program administration includes claims recovery and prompt payment. We continuously monitor global market developments, economic trends, and the latest products and covers to ensure that our clients have access to the most current and comprehensive coverage options. we also excel in designing tailor made policies to suit the requirement of the market in personal line of business Our ability to establish long-term relationships with clients has allowed for the expansion of our network and customer base.